Hi to All
This is my first blog.
As every first blog, this too is written to see what I can write, how does it feels to write and more over what do I write. This is first step for me into the vast unknown, a place with possibilities both good and bad, kind of walking in unknown. Now there is bit of excitement, fear and all kinds of mixed emotion that is attached to every first time of things you do. Like my friend said "Everyman will have a first job only once in his life" A remarkably true and a utterly obvious statement. Still this statement has a significance. It stresses the importance of the first time. Every first time is very special as it once in a life moment. This is the reason that makes it special. Moreover it the has never been done by you before which makes it extra ordinary. Whew I never myself knew first time was so much. I guess this enough for the first time for the first blog entry I have written. I wish myself a long and happy blogging now since I do not have anyone else here to wish me :). Later maybe some of you who happen to read it may find something to wish me for. Now I will get out of this ecstasies first time happiness to real world where I reside. Goodbye and have a good day.