Life is sequences of choices. Every moment you live is a result of a choice that was made in some distant or near past. Your present is based on the choice you made in past. Sounds intriguing but yet true. A small fact that we always seem to ignore as it never happens. Yet almost all of us are haunted by it at some time or later.
It is also possible that the life you live may not be result of a choice you made. It might have been made up or chosen by someone else, who in some cases you would have known or in many, you did not.
Most of us would agree that what in deed we are today, is primarily due to the environment we grew, education we received. The irony of fate is that these primitive choices are never made by you, or in most cases, anyone whom you knew.
So don’t you agree that what ever we are today is exactly what you had not chosen to be. The next question and perhaps the more important would be, what you had been if you had made those primitive and important choices.
As a matter of fact, these questions cannot be answered. As no one can look beyond the choice they make. So as always the other side of the choice you took will be a mystery and would be kept in complete darkness.
All you can do is to move forward. There is no use drooling over a choice and hoping that we would have taken another path. As you would have never know, where it would have taken you. Once choice is made and executed, all we can do is to learn from it and move forward. Do not loose your present over past. It is not going to come back. So what should we do?
Learn from the past and make better choices. That’s all we can do and do hope that whatever we chose at given moment is the best one we could at given time.
When we make a choice, we have information about the choices we have an assumption of conditions that it will generate and finally a hope/expectation for the result.
To make good choices, use your experience for understanding the information you have, consult if required. Evaluate your assumptions against practical terms. Have a clear goal and march forward. Sometimes do listen to your instincts and your heart. They can also lend a helping hand.
Once you make your choices, never waste your time crying over it. We always try to choose the best.
Past is history, future is mystery and present is a gift, use it wisely…
Apply some thoughts when you choose, as your life someday will be a reflection of the choices you make today.