Ola All,
I hope all of you are happy.
I hope everyone is doing fine.
Still you will have something pricking in back of your mind, something which keeps you from doing things what you want to do? Where it comes from, how it affects us is quite different from person to person. However it affects us all. There are different names to it, the most common name we give is course of life. I believe it is the natural resistance to change the state we are in. This is why we miss most of the good things in life. A simple e.g. is you might have like architecture but you end up doing computer engineering, because people told you it is safe and it is the way of life. This is the very reason why we do not take chances with our lives. We do not do anything we want to but we do what is preached by common wisdom. Now this is a major difference between the people who are successful and people who manage well. At the end you may regret the decision you took that made your life simple but not the one which you ever dreamt of. Girls are the primary victim of this. They rely on this common wisdom which kills the life they want to live. I do not preach that you go and do insane things. However before you opt or do something give a thought of what are you doing and why. Simply refusing the offers that come in your life is no good. Have a thorough reasoning. Sometimes the best offers comes in bad package. Think before you act, as at times there are more than your life which will be changed or will be at stake. Give it a chance, give it a shot. After all you live only once? What you got to loose? Who are you afraid of?
well navin first of all that pic is really great.. gets allong with what u have blogged..and that headline..haha "Who are you afraid of???" sahi hai..now my view - see navin we are from middle class family.. we should understand whats the basic funda first...our parents are not rich neither they have so much money to just put us in any stream..dude they have secured our future.. thats the best they wanted to do ...i know probably on doing this there maybe innumerable childern who are making there career in streams they never wanted to be.. but we have to understand the root cause behind this.. its just our parents hav secured our careers..they just do what is best at that particular time ...this is reality and we should face it dude...theres are manythings which happen behind the walls.. anywayss aish ker ...well blogged
nice :)
masta thoughts! :)
try writing in paragraphs... feels good to read then!
Thanks Mukta,
Will do that from now
Hi Navin,
Everyone in this world is afraid of something or the other.
"Fear" - is a factor, which one cannot avoid in anybody's lifetime. To find a person who says that he / she doesn't fear anything in this world is a very rare person.
People have these fears in the very least, "Fear of God", "Fear of Society", and "Fear of losing in life". Without them, one doesn't exist in this realistic world.
Leaving apart people in general, coming to girls being afraid of something or the other.
First of all, do you think that girls can go ahead and implement all their thoughts, however good they are? Perhaps you might say that nobody stops them from doing that. But if you say so, do you know our tradition in general in that case?
Say, a girl steps her toe out of the line, which is been demarcated for her by her parents, the society, and the world in general. What does she achieve by that? Happiness, do you think of having done what pleases her?? That is a definite no, she feels sorry for having upset her parents, having gone against societal norms, and ends up getting all possible names from the world.
You said, “Simply refusing the offers that come in your life is no good”. Do you think girls simply refuse things without thinking on them?
Overall, it is a good thought of yours to ask these questions as whom should an individual be afraid of? But when you talk of girls of being the victims, there is nothing much an individual girl can do in her choices, unless the society accepts it.
Good topic to write on..
Keep Blogging..
That was a good insight.
However one thing I will like to tell you. What is this society? It is chain that stops us. Why because then you would e better than others, which others (society cannot accept) This society will never be there to support you in your bad times, even when you gave your best to it. Society is sarcasm on creativity. At the end it will be you who will suffer, who will be happy and not society. However there are people associated to you. Those who care for you and will be there at your side when you need or till the end. These are the people whom you should think of. More than often these people will understand you. If not eventually they will. There are ways to do it. However the bottom line in anything is success. If you do well in what you chose then everyone will be for you, the people associated with you and your Hippocratic society. However if you do not, more than often you find yourself alone or with some people who care or are in same league. Thus it is you who is the question and not anyone else. I also said girls do not see the offers that come to them. It is correct. They are protected and most often pampered and hence they may fail to see the bigger picture. This is generic statement and maybe wrong. However it is what I see. From my past experience is this what I can see.
write a post//
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Nice post man! But choosing a line that you love is not always easy. In addition to your interests you gotta keep the market demand in mind too. Say for example during our time I am sure many people would have loved to go for mechanical engg but you very well know what the market was like. Jobs were in abundance in IT and if you compare the pay structure I am sure any mech guy would choose a 15K(14851 if u remember :)) starting sal over a 5K starting sal. I know some people who have followed their heart to the field that they love but it's not easy at all.
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