Almost all the religions and civilization in the world has presented mankind with the concept of Heaven and Hell. This was present from the earliest existence of humans, or to the formation of the complex societies of today. This single point of belief was already there as if, we were made with that concept. One other thing predominant with this concept was that, these mythical places are very far far away from here, where no man can go alive.....
Hence we never sought it out. All we knew was that, if you perform good deeds, you will visit heaven, where all your desires will be granted. If you are bad in your life, you go to hell where unthinkable will happen with you....
A perfect carrot/stick guideline for every human to look up to and motivate him to perform good deeds. However there is a catch. "A good deed". What is this good deed? Sometimes a good deed is saving and sometimes it is destroying. An element of human judgment is involved in this.
Also conviently it is also described that "The Good" always wins... So irrespective of two sides, it is the good which wins, which implies, neither side is ever good or bad. It is result of action, which describes it as good or bad... Hence, no action, no person or no deed can be ever good or bad, until it is executed. Its reaction, will label it as good or bad.
So, even if we have a destination, we do not have a clear path. Adding to mayhem, is a simple fact, that none of us have any idea, where this destination lies. We were told from birth, that it exists and generic guidelines have been drawn to go there....
However, if one observe from the definitions defined over the period of time and look for the clues in the course of its mortal existence, we find striking similarities in the destination described and the place we habitat. What we seek our whole lives, lies in front of us all the time....
Yes, in a creepy way, it makes sense. This life, this place, the surrounding we live is the place where heaven or hell also resides.... It is carved out from out actions and its reaction.
You experience heaven, when you fulfill your desires. If that causes harm to others... its reaction will create hell for you.... In case it does not, it will enrich your heavenly experience..
Heaven is where life has value, respect and freedom with responsibilities.
Hell is where it is absent. It is the two sides of coin at same plane.
Birth, its place and time, plays an important role in how close to you are heaven or hell. This mystery is something, which does not make sense. However if we go beyond a lifespan, it appears that it may be decided by actions in some distant past. In my previous blog, I had mentioned that Life is a sequence of choice...
We create heaven from our desires and hell from our misendeavours. There is very less which you can do negate the effect of birth and birthplace. However there is definitely lot, which everyone can do to make heaven in this place and push it boundaries a little far than it exists today. So someone, who takes birth at the new place is never left out... Everyone has a chance.... Everyone can contribute to make this world a heaven.
Hence we never sought it out. All we knew was that, if you perform good deeds, you will visit heaven, where all your desires will be granted. If you are bad in your life, you go to hell where unthinkable will happen with you....
A perfect carrot/stick guideline for every human to look up to and motivate him to perform good deeds. However there is a catch. "A good deed". What is this good deed? Sometimes a good deed is saving and sometimes it is destroying. An element of human judgment is involved in this.
Also conviently it is also described that "The Good" always wins... So irrespective of two sides, it is the good which wins, which implies, neither side is ever good or bad. It is result of action, which describes it as good or bad... Hence, no action, no person or no deed can be ever good or bad, until it is executed. Its reaction, will label it as good or bad.
So, even if we have a destination, we do not have a clear path. Adding to mayhem, is a simple fact, that none of us have any idea, where this destination lies. We were told from birth, that it exists and generic guidelines have been drawn to go there....
However, if one observe from the definitions defined over the period of time and look for the clues in the course of its mortal existence, we find striking similarities in the destination described and the place we habitat. What we seek our whole lives, lies in front of us all the time....
Yes, in a creepy way, it makes sense. This life, this place, the surrounding we live is the place where heaven or hell also resides.... It is carved out from out actions and its reaction.
You experience heaven, when you fulfill your desires. If that causes harm to others... its reaction will create hell for you.... In case it does not, it will enrich your heavenly experience..
Heaven is where life has value, respect and freedom with responsibilities.
Hell is where it is absent. It is the two sides of coin at same plane.
Birth, its place and time, plays an important role in how close to you are heaven or hell. This mystery is something, which does not make sense. However if we go beyond a lifespan, it appears that it may be decided by actions in some distant past. In my previous blog, I had mentioned that Life is a sequence of choice...
We create heaven from our desires and hell from our misendeavours. There is very less which you can do negate the effect of birth and birthplace. However there is definitely lot, which everyone can do to make heaven in this place and push it boundaries a little far than it exists today. So someone, who takes birth at the new place is never left out... Everyone has a chance.... Everyone can contribute to make this world a heaven.
Rightly said bro dat it's own deeds only which direct us to heaven r hell...our bad deeds take to hell n gud to heaven.. but how can we classify gud n bad work.. the work we do is gud 4 someone n bad 4 someone..so it's really difficult 4 human to classify his works... most of us operate d life line thinking dat watever we r doing is gud..but it may not b always right n gud 4 someone..den how to implify on our deeds???... even d evil says dat he is right n he is dere to help but is it true...??????
according to me i think it's really difficult 4 human nature to judge d right n wrong n filters d right concern of idea's...
so if we can't know d right difference between right n wrong den how can we do gud works in life??????
The answer to your question is, that you don't. Infact you never will. Hence do what you feel is just. As your consience is your gurdian. There are generic guidelines, which one can follow. One of these, that as far as possible try not to hurt someone or something. Try to make the enviornment around you a better place. Respect others and their decisions. Common wisdom accured over the years can be used here. However, when you do the correct thing, you will know it in your heart....
okkkk bro...
i 'll consider it...
practical decision is d only solution.. right
Hi Annu,
Its true that since birth we all heard this thing that there is heaven and hell,and its depends upon our work that what we get after death.
Since chilhood we all know that if we do good deeds then we will go to heaven and if do wrong then we have to go hell,where we will punished by god for all the bad deeds which we performed on earth.
Its ironically true that whatever we do here we get all those thing in god's home.But one question which always comes in my mind that what the benefit of doing good and bad thing with others. if someone has done wrong thing in his whole life then also he get benefit for this,and at the same time,if a person has done good thing in his life and getting a pain as a reward.But after death god give him justice,that man who done wrong thing in his life was punished by god and another man was rewarded by the god.
So what the conclusion we get,we all pressurized to thing that whole life bad man was happily lived and good man always in pain so do wrong thing and live happily who knows what is going to be happened with you after death.
what benefits get other man in his life,nothing.if he says someone that what i did wrong in my life then everyone says to him that it's your previous birth sins.
so i just want to say that i have a complain with god that if a person do wrong things in his life then punish him/her right now instead of punishing him/her after death or at the end of life.
So that he /she can realize that and improve theirselves by doing wrong thing.
good one....
Good abstract thinking. Write more frequently to keep your readers coming back.
Hello testing testing ..mike testing
that was agreat blog.
Really good.....
Hi This is good insight of Heaven and Hell
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