I do not know. how many times if anyone has felt this, I guess at some point in life, we all feel its unfair. We did not have a chance to do anything about what happened. There is sense of frustration and helpness of which nothing can be done. As in most of these times, we are not in control, someone else or something else is. We may blame god for this and forget this moment and move on as nothing happned.
However, it pricks us time to time, reminding how we did not have a chance to do something. Here the essence is that the victim does not have much in control, its the other person or situation.
Generally, people judge the book by its cover. This is an instinct. However, although it seems to be useful and intelligent, sometimes it might be foolish and dangerous. The best things in life, not always arrive in the most attractive packaging. Sometmes the most unlikely option is the best option. This option will be never known if a fair chance is not given to it.
I agree, we all are short of time and in most cases, we do not have enough time to judge effectively or be fair to all options. However, it is just a mindset. Effective planning and open mindeness can really be helpful in such situations. Just a fair look with an open mind can make a huge difference in the way things appear to us. This could be the key differnce in a choice.
Hence if possible, always try to give atleast one fair chance, as you never know when tables will turn. Moreover, no path is certain, unless it is treaded once. You never know, when the most unlikey choice becomes the best choice.
Most of the wonderful discoveries made by mankind was out of chance. So never let anything go without giving it a chance.
Yes I have felt many a times exactly similar , I don't disagree with what you have mentioned here, but somewhere I feel that we may not or we should not blame God for this, as so many time it would have happened where we and only we are in total control but we let the moment go and I won't say 'we could not' rather I would say 'we did not ' do any thing and probably that would also keep us pinching whole life ..
To give a fair chance to the the options at hand I agree open and fair mind is needed and also I think there is a virtue called 'patience' which we often lack or probably ignore it knowingly, thinking, would it really make a big difference, but eventually when we look back we feel what big a difference it made ..
good thought ..
Good one Chaddi. You seem to have developed a habit of writing thought provoking stuff :-). Keep it goin!
bro perfectly said yaar... dere being many times in ma life when i missed d chance n committed something wrong still i didn't realised ma mistake n blammed on god n destiny...but now i think destiny is not written on chitragupt social book.. it's created by us only.. all thing is dat we have to do hard work n grape d chance at every chance...learn from past mistake ....
n 4 all dis i think a smart n fair mind wid no confusion is required to adopt a nice decision in life........
Hi this is good revelation
Kya bawa
Just my thoughts..
reminding how we did not have a chance to do something. Here the essence is that the victim does not have much in control, its the other person or situation.
The best things in life, not always arrive in the most attractive packaging
did u mean , The best things in life does not always arrive in the most attractive packaging or did u mean the best things in life is to not always arrive in the most attractive package?
"Effective planning and open mindeness can really be helpful in such situations. " what is the requirment of effective planning to be fair..i am confused by your sentence.Choices are attitude of a mind, it comes with experience
Chances are never fair, Once utitilised we will know if it was utilised fairly or unfairly.
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